Icon Button

Button with only an icon and no label.



Secondary icon button has a light background and an outline.


Use this variant for all icon buttons that don't qualify for the other variants.

This is a default variant, so you don't have to explicitly specify it via variant prop.


Use this variant for icon buttons that trigger dangerous or destructive actions. For example, deletion of some resource.

This variant should be used on the last step before deletion.













  • Only use icons from Hightouch UI.
  • Don't override icon size.
  • Prefer outline icons over solid ones.


Inherits margin props.


Type: boolean
Default: false

Toggles the disabled state.


Type: string

Button's meaning for screen readers.


Type: ComponentType<SVGAttributes<SVGElement>>

Button icon.


Type: () => void

Callback for when button is clicked.

On this page

  • Usage
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary
  • Danger
  • Loading
  • Large
  • Small
  • Combinations
  • Guidelines
  • Icons
  • Props
  • isDisabled
  • aria-label
  • icon
  • onClick