WizardDrawer offers a way to show some information without creating a dedicated page for it. Usually used for creating a resource in many steps, while staying on the same page.
Name | Default | Description |
blockBackgroundInteraction | true | boolean Block scrolling of content behind drawer. |
isOpen | false | boolean Determines if drawer is open. |
title | — | string Title to display at the top of the drawer. |
showOverlay | false | boolean Render overlay. |
size | "md" | "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "full" Drawer size. |
steps | — | WizardDrawerStep[] The steps of the wizard. |
onClose | — | () => void Callback invoked to close the drawer. |
onSubmit | — | () => void | Promise<void> Callback invoked on submission of the drawer. |
Name | Default | Description |
isDisabled | false | boolean Whether the next step is disabled. |
label | — | string The step label. |
tooltip | — | string Tooltip to display on the continue button. |
continueLabel | "Continue" | string Label to display on the primary button. The last step's default is "Save". |
onContinue | — | () => void | Promise<void> Callback invoked when the user clicks the primary button. If this is not provided, the primary button will only increase the step. |
render | — | FC The step content. |